Monday, 10 August 2020

 Kia ora tamariki mā no te kura tuatahi o Hokitika.

He mihi aroha tēnei. Ka mihi hoki ki o koutou kaiako a Hakui mā

Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou mo tō awhina i te pō, te Mata o te ariki.

Tino miharo tō roopu kapa haka ki te whakanui a Matariki i taua wā.

Monday, 3 August 2020

Tino Rangatiratanga Flag 
Represent the Separation of Rangi & Papa

Te korekore potential being ( black, top)/Ranginui
Te Whai ao (white, middle)/Separation
Te Ao marama (red, top)/Papatuanuku

It flew for the first time at the Parliament building in Wellington & Auckland harbor in 1990
It was designed in1990 by one person but 2 others helped with the final design

United Tribes of New Zealand
It was designed in 1835. 
It was made to tell Britain New Zealand was a self-sustainable independent country.
It was made by James Busby, Captain Lambert of the man-o-war Nicholas Charles Phillips.

2020 Friday 24th July Matariki festival 

I was a gatekeeper and Makaire was the other.
I didn't really know what was going on then.
So I don’t have much to tell you.
Natal and Zion were selling popcorn
Tiare and his mun were selling fry bread.

I don’t want to go on the trip to Hanmer springs because I’ve already been there
But some in the class can't say the same.
The class has been planning the date and where they are going to stay.
And when but I just see some of them as ungrateful kids.
But I might be wrong I don’t know 

I don’t think the kids did much. I think the parents did all the work and Whaea C.
They had to take time out of their lives to work for something that doesn't benefit them.
And they don’t get anything out of it.
The kids don’t know how much the adults are putting into this.